UX/UI Projects: Currently, Ari Enkh is a product designer at the Walt Disney company on the enterprise team.

Graphic Design Projects: Since 2016, Ari has been working as a freelance graphic designer.

Client: Tsadig Band
Project: "Goolingoo" music video - "While on Earth" album.

Client: Nara M.
Project: An online campaign and marketing assets for a female candidate.

Client: Springboard
Research Project: Mental health awareness, therapist finder.

Breathe Mongolia
Breathe Mongolia

My Role:
Lead UX/UI Designer

My Tools:

My Team:
Project Manager: Hayley G., Aza Sh (Founder)
Community Manager: Oku Z.
Development Team Lead: Tuguldur U.

04/15/2021 - 06/04/2021 (Launch Date)

Design Audit
Design System
Web Landing Page
Mobile Landing Page
Social Media Templates
Multiple Language Versions

The Problem:
On the air quality index of 0 to 301+, Ulanbaotr, the capital of Mongolia, has a pollution level that fluctuates between 150 and 150 due to particle pollution, PM 2.5 particulate matter, from using coal as a main source of heat during winters.
150-250 level places on the "Unhealthy" to "Very Unhealthy" scale, causing respiratory, developmental, and environmental health deterioration over the winter months every year.The lack of progressive and accessible health care in Mongolia, a developing country, makes it difficult to educate or protect against the negative health effects of air pollution.

The Solution:
Breathe Mongolia, a clean air coalition, is solving this problem through:

  • Educating the public

  • Providing resources

  • Raising awareness

Mini Mama

Collaboration: Cross Functional Teams + Users (6)

Before: Take Action Page

Mini Mama

Process: Early Ideations + User A/B Testing

Design Sysem and Branding:Branding assets and design system were implemented leveraging the Breathe Mongolia brand book and new Take Action designs in order to continue consistency for future iterations.

Final Web Landing Page:
Visit the Take Action landing page on the Breathe Mongolia website here - BreatheMongolia.org

Deliverables: Final Mobile Landing Page

Mobile Designs:
+ Social Media Templates - IG

Social Media Templates: Instagram

IG Post Templates

IG Story Templates

"When Ari joined our Breathe Mongolia, she understood all of our UX/UI and visual design needs seamlessly and started delivering tangible results from Day 1. She has been very efficient, creative and flexible in our dynamic, remote environment as the sole designer at our organization. Ari is a quick learner, an attentive listener, and extremely receptive to stakeholder feedback. Her strong visual design background is a priceless asset to our growing nonprofit organization's mission. She thinks outside the box and always goes above and beyond the user's expectations. Any organization would be lucky to have her."

Machinery Analytics is a cloud based, deep-learning platform for complex automobile hardware performance and maintenance that integrates machine learning into generating telemetry data. The telemetry data can be used to prevent decay in various and/or extreme weather conditions and maintains the automobiles. The company was launched in April of 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. Machinery Analytics offers an economical alternative in troubleshooting software for complex hardwares i.e. automobiles.

01/2021 - 03/2021

My Process:
Project Management (meetings, presentations)
Design Audit
User Interviews
Comparative Analysis
A/B Testing
Information Architecture
Userflow Documentation
Final Deliverables:
Master Design System (Component Library)
Styleguide Book (Branding + Product)
Grid Layout
Component and Pattern documentation
Interactive Prototypes

The company provided an access to a lower environment as well as engineer walk through of the existing system for the design audit. 24 pages of notes and screenshots were documented with pain points, most common use cases, and feedback on current looks and feel.
See final (right).

Highly technical products require a phase of gaining a foundational grasp of the industry in order to be able to empathize the user journey and behavior.The audit revealed that the main task is to enter variables (total 200) into the system and the system would generate comparative graphs to help engineers identity, pinpoint, and analyze problematic incidents to initiate sustainable measures.
The audit analysis and the user research were main factors in creating the information architecture and streamlining the userflow into an "input" and "output" structure.

Mechanical Engineers
Windows Operating System
Age Range 25 - 56
Data Analysis

The company, just having been launched, had a very low level of design maturity.
Most of the design guidelines from the company were based off of a preliminary branding book they had worked on a few months prior to their launch. The master design system included a styleguide that incorporated the branding guidelines as well as tokenized, responsive elements.

Master Design System:
Iconography Library
Data Visualization (Scatter Plot, Line Graph, Bar Graph)
Buttons (Pressed, Disabled)
Data Tables
Dark Mode
Responsive grid specs (tablet + web)

Personalized Dashboard
Search flow
Flagging an event flow
History Log (Archive + Calendar)
Personalized Dashboard

Final Designs:

Case Study Report:

"Ari and her colleague worked as a team to develop a design system and Ux prototype for our analytics viewing web app. She was a pleasure to work with, highly organized, extremely productive and what they produced in the end was exactly what we were looking for. I would reccomend her for your UI/UX needs."

Air quality mobile application, Agaarly ("air-ly"), for monitoring and alerting high air pollution levels in Mongolia, specifically in the capital city of Mongolia, Ulanbator.
Breathe Mongolia NGO, the founder of the app, made it their goal to:
1. educate
2. provide resources
3. raise awareness

How did this design solve any problems?
Why not use other air quality applications on the market?
The application is geared towards non-English speaking residents in Mongolian provinces that often do not have access to resources for fighting against air pollution. The value of the design is based in creating a sense of familiarity, empowerment, and approachability in using the app as it focuses on specific air pollution problems in Mongolia. As opposed to using third party apps, the sense of ownership and the localized information encourages frequent use of the app as well as building better habits and measures against the negative effects of air pollution.

This was achieved by:1. Default language setting in Mongolian - the data is intuitive as possible to non-English speaking users.
2. Semantic colors to convey dangers levels right away without having to process or dig deeper into what it means or what steps to take.
3. Use of Mongolian traditional art elements, i.e. the clouds, in building a sense of ownership and approachability.
4. Flow state of the app focuses on location specific issues due to air pollution. (ex.: fire in drier provinces)

Early Ideations:
The style of the clouds in this classic painting is a common one among Mongolian traiditional, classic paintings that it's portrayed often in pop culture.

Final Concept:The development of the Agaarly app is on hold due to low budgeting and engineering resources available at the moment, a common issue among non-profit organizations.

Image Source:
Image Source:

International shopping application.

UX Design Consultant
Design Audit Findings
Ideations - Presentation
User Interviews Findings
Usability Testing Findings
Final Solution Presentation
Design System

Audit:The development of the Agaarly app is on hold due to low budgeting and engineering resources available at the moment, a common issue among non-profit organizations.

Image Source:

Final Solution:The development of the Agaarly app is on hold due to low budgeting and engineering resources available at the moment, a common issue among non-profit organizations.

Image Source:

About:Los Sol, Bay Area Band
Venue: SF Eagle
Date: 06/13/2024

IG Story Poster
IG Post
Vinyl Mocks

Early Ideations:

Mid Fi Selections: With feedback reflected from the band.

Final: Logo (Round and Square Versions)

Final: Print Poster + IG Story Template

More: Vinyl Mock + Current Streaming

Bride's name: Rainbow (English translation)Groom's name: Summit (English translation)Occasion: Paper Year (First year wedding anniversary)

The couple loves hiking, their parents dedicate wine for their kids' milestones from their own vineyard, and they're celebrating their first anniversary away from home in 2023. The design reflects the amalgamation of their names as a landscape with traditional Mongolian style line art, with gold foil embossing. The label is applicable for any type of wine, red or white, without losing the level of contrast.

Early Ideations:

Final Design:

Final: Mocks on red and white wine.

About: Client
Female candidate running for election with an agenda tailored towards mothers and children.
National Election.
Character design of client and son
Campaign Posters

The candidate, Nara M., is a single mother entrepreneur. She ran independently and advocated for solidifying and enforcing family laws, specifically child support and welfare for families.

Campaign Posters:
Illustrations incorporated into poster template.

Campaign Marketing:
Street Signs

Pax Mongolia is an online directory that aims to create networks, support all scale businesses, provide resources, and build a sense of community for Mongolian-Americans, Mongolian-American youth, and newly immigrated Mongolian citizens in USA through an ongoing effort to create a centralized hub for Mongolian-American establishments, organizations, businesses, and individuals.
What does Pax Mongolica mean?
The Pax Mongolica is Latin for “Mongol peace" and describes a period of relative stability in Eurasia under the Mongol Empire during the 13th and 14th centuries. The Pax Mongolica brought a period of stability among the people who lived in the conquered territory.

Submission form templates
Brand Book
Marketing Assets
Print Assets
Facebook Page
Instagram Page
Individual Template (Web, IG)
Business Template (IG)

Design Process:
The inspiration came from my love for print media and a sense of nostalgia I feel from seeing YellowPages and newspapers, which spurred a minimalistic approach to an online directory where everything is available at a glance. The fact that there are a very few establishments within Mongolian-American communities due to the low population across America, it was viable enough to categorize and dedicate a page to each major area, starting with California. A large hurdle in circulating the platform and gaining more people to sign up their businesses, services, and initiatives is marketing.

Social Media Template: IG Post

CNC machining stool

Visit Pax Mongolica:
PaxMongolica IG
Pax Mongolica Website

Pax Mongolica is my initiative towards contributing to the Mongolian-American communities across America. Although Mongolian-American communities exist across at least 10 different, major states in the US, there has never been a platform that acted as a central hub. Any community involvement happens through word of mouth or social media pages that are sporadically maintained. So a decision to fund and create Pax Mongolia in order to encourage community support and involvement was made in 2022. It's a creative outlet for me as much as it's a desire to give back.

Final Design: Pax Mongolica Website

About: Client
Female Entrepreneur Beekeeper with a small scale organic farm.
Rebranding packaging for the honey.
Floral Illustration
Character Design of client - marketing purposes
Honey jar label

This female entrepreneur has been beekeeping and harvesting organic honey since early 2010s.
The farm is located on land that abundantly grows spring onion flower called Allium, therefore, named her business after the flower in her language, "Mangir."

Character design illustration of the client for marketing - beekeeper suit.

Character design illustration of the client for marketing - farmer.These illustrations were used on series of posters in order to appeal to customers as a local, organic, handcrafted bee farm.

The client wasn't sure what she wanted the new rebranded label to look like. Budget was a priority, besides keeping the branding color pallete intact, a purple pastelle colors. So, a moodboard was provided in order to pick a general direction for the rebranding.

Early Ideations:
Once the client chose a general direction, low-fi explorations were provided for further feedback.

Final: Illustration

Final: Label - Mock

About: Tools
CNC Machining
Rococo style stool
Handsewn pillow
Silk, Rope, Sewing Kit
CNC Machine

Ari earned her BS degree in product development (industrial design) with a minor in marketing.

Early Sketches:

Fusion360 (3D Modeling Software) Rendering


Final Stool: Second round of explorations and ideations with new assets

About: Client
Tsadig, a Bay Area metal band
New Album Release: "While on Earth" 2023
Vinyl Album cover
Website (maintained by the band since handoff)
Animated music video (see Gooilngoo)
Merch Mocks

The band has been creating music since 2012 and their music is a blend of Mongolian traditional throat singing and metal.The band's latest album is named "While on Earth..." signifying the time we each have on Earth and the transcendent nature and expression of it.

The website design that has been handed off at the end of this project is now being maintained by the band members that do not have design experience. For this reason, the website design is not presented on the portfolio.

Early Ideations:
Midjourney Generative Moodboard - Ai generated images were used to create a moodboard for the project, which was a first step in incorporating and learning how to utilize AI into the design process. The value mostly lied in saving time on conveying the look and feel of the album.

Mid-Fi Process:
By the time the ideations were presented to the band, we found out that there's a series of commissioned artwork by a local fine artist that the band had never used before.

Mid-Fi Process: Second round of explorations and ideations with new assets

Final Vinyl Cover: As a result, the final album cover consisted of a design that brought all of the 12 commissioned artwork together, creating a collage of all the elements that are significant to the theme of the album.

Final Vinyl Cover Design: Mocks

Merch: As part of the website, an option to have a merch section on the new website was offered. In proposing the idea, series of merch mocks were provided using their existing logos.

Role: Art Director + Character Designer
Animator: Andrew Jackson
Collaboration Timeline:
5 Wks June - July 2023
Animated Music Video (4.59m)
Album Cover (Vinyl)
Band Website

Goolingoo is a Mongolian folk song about a widowed, beautiful woman that's mourning the death of her husband. Tsadig, a Mongolian-American rock band based in Oakland, CA, recorded their rendition of the song to be included in their 2023 album, "While Visiting Earth..."

Early Ideations:
Character Design

Final Character Design:

Animation: Storyboarding Process. The theme of the animation is surreal, nautical, and metaphorical with an traditional, minimalist look and feel that translates through strong color contrast and pallettes.

Process: Worked closely with the animator to decide what's feasible within our deadline and budget and converted the initial storyboard to a high fidelity level for the final MV.

Animation Stills: Final MV Stills


Name: Kotobuki Japanese RestaurantScope: Website + Updated Takeout Menu (assets provided).Occasion: New management + rebranding.Rebranding for a minority owned restaurant located in Oakland, CA.www.KotobukiOakland.com

What do people wanna see when they visit a restaurant website online?The menu!But the menu is like 10 pages...And nobody would be reading through everything, especially on a landing page, so we make it visually appetizing and highlight the featured items.That makes sense, what else did you solve?The restaurant has a very casual ambiance and a very extensive menu in addition to the usual sashimi and sushi rolls that customers expect. So, on top of being visually stunning to trigger the user's appetite just like they're at a table already, we wanted to translate and clarify the Japanese names on the menu, which enforced the casual ambiance of the venue.Deliverables:
1. Website
2. Website Management Platform
3. Domain Ownership
4. In-House Menu Design
5. Takeout Menu Design
6. Branding Assets

Final Design:


Name: Inkzoo PrintsScope: Website + Business Cards + Brochures + PostersOccasion: Rebranding.Rebranding for a minority owned screenprinting company located in Oakland, CA.

New Logo:

Business Card Designs: Illustration + With Logo Incorporated

Business Card Designs: V2

Note: website has been discontinued due to funding reallocations

Final Design:

Branding Assets: Poster

Disney Creative Resource Ctr. (CRC) Coaster Design
Disney Creative Resource center put out a post for a coaster design. 9 artists volunteered to submit their designs. CRC is a library for all Disney references and resources on the Glendale campus.
Timeline: 4 Weeks - July 2024Main Requirements:
4" diameter circle design
Must not include any intellectual property of Disney or its affiliated.
Stickermule print guidelines.


CRC Logo: Only graphic asset for the library


Pharmadec Inc.
Pharmadec Inc. launched an organic belly lotion for expectant mothers that helps them prevent stretch marks.
Timeline: 2 WeeksDeliverables:
Bottle Label
Box Packaging
Marketing Documentation


Color Pallete + Typography:

Initial Ideations:

Color Explorations:

Mid-Fi Explorations:

Final Deliverables:

Final Deliverables:

Current:Ari is a product designer at the Walt Disney Company - Disney Entertainment ESPN & Technology (DEET) | Enterprise | Business Insights and Optimization. She works cross functionally with engineering and product teams and products that support Disney owned brands, such as ABC News, ESPN, National Geographics, Disney Streaming Services, and Content Platforms.Process:
Data Visualization + Dashboards
User Research
Data Volume Control design
Information Architecture
User Research Interviews
User Flow - Research Synthesis
Rapid Prototyping
Usability Testing
Visual Storytelling
Low Fidelity Mockups
A/B Testing
High Fidelity Deliverables
Master Design Systems
Design presentations to various stakeholders at every stage of design fidelity.

Complete the form below to request access to this project.

Hi, I'm Ari Enkh!

Product designer at the Walt Disney Company - Disney Entertainment ESPN & Technology | Enterprise | Business Insights and Optimization
What I do:
UX/UI design - Data Visualization, User Research, Data Analysis and Volume Control, Visual Identity Development
Graphic Design- Illustration, Packaging Design, Branding, Content Creation and Industrial Product Development
UX Methodology:
Information Architecture, User Research Interviews, User Persona Creation, User Flow, Research Synthesis, Ideation, Sketching, Wireframing, Rapid Prototyping, Usability Testing, Journey Mapping, Visual Storytelling, Storyboarding, Low Fidelity Mockups, A/B Testing, High Fidelity Deliverables, Master Design Systems, Graphic Design


  • Figma, Sketch

  • Autodesk Sketchbook, Procreate

  • Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

  • Fusion360, Solidworks

Visit Aria Gali Designs: www.Aria-Gali.com
Visit Pax Mongolica: www.PaxMongolica.us

Hire Ari: Email [email protected]


Noteworthy Clients: Breathe Mongolia, Film It, Machinery Analytics

"Ari is a bright a detail oriented designer. She is skilled in visual design and at breaking down complex design problems into repeatable component-based systems. Ari supplements her abilities in UX design with fantastic illustration chops. She is responsive to criticism and always eager to learn."

"When Ari joined our Breathe Mongolia, she understood all of our UX/UI and visual design needs seamlessly and started delivering tangible results from Day 1. She has been very efficient, creative and flexible in our dynamic, remote environment as the sole designer at our organization. Ari is a quick learner, an attentive listener, and extremely receptive to stakeholder feedback. Her strong visual design background is a priceless asset to our growing nonprofit organization's mission. She thinks outside the box and always goes above and beyond the user's expectations. Any organization would be lucky to have her."

"Ari and her colleague worked as a team to develop a design system and Ux prototype for our analytics viewing web app. She was a pleasure to work with, highly organized, extremely productive and what they produced in the end was exactly what we were looking for. I would reccomend her for your UI/UX needs."

"I have had the pleasure of working closely with Ari for the past 3.5 years at The Walt Disney Company. As a designer responsible for shaping the user experience of various complex enterprise tools, Ari has consistently demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication.Some of Ari's standout qualities are her ability to manage difficult relationships and make the complex simple. She excels at prioritizing efforts to meet short deadlines and effectively manages time within and across projects. She consistently arrives well-prepared and excels at leading discussions, making her a remarkable contributor to our team.Creativity and innovative thinking are at the core of Ari's approach. She consistently brings fresh, out-of-the-box ideas to the table, enhancing our projects in ways that often exceed expectations. Her patience, flexibility, and approachable nature make her a joy to work with, and her genuine care for partners and users shines through in every interaction.Ari is an invaluable asset to any team, and I wholeheartedly recommend her for any role that requires a blend of creativity, leadership, and exceptional user experience design."

"Ari is a wonderful person. She’s kind, creative, humble, and has a great sense of humor. I had the pleasure of working with her for two years on the enterprise team at Disney, where she brought her creative talents and immense design experience to work each day. She tackles her projects with care and attention to detail, and her resulting design work is fantastic. Ari is genuine, helpful, fun, and optimistic. Don't miss your chance; I envy any team who is lucky enough to bring her on board."

Ari's Art + Initiatives:

Ari has been working as a freelance graphic designer since 2016, Aria Gali Designs. The work has founded and launched an online directory for Mongolian-American communities across America, Pax Mongolica as well as an online shop for traditionally inspired products, Aria Gali.



Art Commissions: